Mary Collins, B.S.Previous Senior Research Technician and Operations Coordinator
B.S. Neuroscience, 2016, University of Vermont College of Arts & Sciences B.S. Business Administration, 2017, University of Vermont Grossman School of Business Post-Baccalaureate Premedical Certificate, 2018, University of Vermont Continuing Education Mary Collins joined the Davids Lab in 2018 after completing her post-baccalaureate and undergraduate studies at the University of Vermont. She is particularly interested in neuro-oncology and is excited to be analyzing the effects of various pharmacological compounds on patient samples. Through her research in the Davids Lab, Mary worked on bringing novel treatments from medical oncology research into the clinic at Dana-Farber. As a senior research technician and operations coordinator, Mary explored the apoptotic signaling pathway using BH3 mimetics in clinical samples from patients with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL). Through this research, the Davids Lab hopes to evaluate current treatments and develop more effective therapeutics and personalized patient care. With a background in neuroscience, Mary is enthusiastic to be working in translational research, and to compare the effects of novel therapeutics on primary samples both ex vivo and in vitro. In her spare time, Mary loves to ski, travel, cook, and hike with her dogs. |